3. December: Read. Read. Repeat

Specialist books are awesome. You get a lot of knowledge for a fair price. Even though 70 Euros seem to be quite expensive for a book, the price is justified. It takes a lot of time to write a book. As a reader you expect nothing but perfection. Perfection is hard to achieve.
Reading a specialists book is quite hard because the content is very detailed. If you are familiar with most of the content, then you will be distracted by the very detailed information provided to follow each step. If you are a beginner to the topic it is hard to comprehend all the details.
Never the less, I woul like to introduce to you the following books and encourage you to buy your next specialists book.
ABAP in Eclipse
The book ABAP in Eclipse by SAP-Champion Łukasz Pęgiel is an excellent book with the following parts:
- Installation and Basic Information
- Views
- How to Use ABAP in Eclipse to Accelerate Your Work
- Eclipse and ADT Preferences
- Eclipse Extensions That Will Make the Difference
- Extending Eclipse
- Extending ABAP Development Tools
It’s a book with very technical parts. These parts are needed if you want to develop your own Eclipse-plugin. If you do not want to do this, the information give you a very interesting insight on how eclipse plugins are working.
A very important part is the chapter “Eclipse Extensions” where Lukasz describes other plugins and what they are good for.
Lukasz himself wrote the following ADT plugins:
- ABAP Quickfix which provides useful Quick fixes like
- aligning type declarations
- Replace READ TABLE into table expression
- Remove Icon literal with constant
- Replace CALL METHOD with direct call
- Combine or split statements
- and many others
- ABAP ADT Extensions
- automatic logon with secure storage
- ABAP Favorites
- Add repository objects to favorite list
- ADT Classic Outline
- Provide the classic SE80 outline view in Eclipse
The book ABAP in Eclipse gives detailed insights in how Lukasz developed the ADT Classic Outline plugin.
ABAP-Entwicklung für SAP S/4HANA
This book in german language written by Catalin Chiuaru, Sebastian Freilinger-Huber, Timo Stark and Tobias Trapp give a good overview and detailed information on all relevant topics regarding an S/4HANA-System. Starting with the architecture of modern ABAP applications, how to use the SAP Fiori programming model, specific hints for application development in an S/4HANA System, the development of Business Objects, Floorplans, Fiori Elements and operative analytics you will get tons of useful information. Some information are not mandatory for S/4HANA development but are maybe more important than ever.
If you are searching for a comprehensive ABAP development book, you will be happy with ABAP-Entwicklung für SAP S/4HANA!
Espresso Tutorials
Espresso-Tutorials (Affiliate link) is not a book but a publisher who sells a flatrate for a lot of thinner books (Espresso) on a lot of topics. The books are in german and english language. You can browse the catalog (Affiliate link) and have a look at the available books. There are also Online-Trainings and Videos. Meanwhile there are really a lot of books for many different topics. Espresso-Tutorials specialized in having tiny books on very specific topics. These topics are often left out by bigger specialists books and you get useful information here.
The Rheinwerk-Publisher (former Galileo-Press or SAP-Press) is the best known publisher when it comes to SAP specific books. They also have books from many other areas, like photography, Windows, Design and many others. The quality is mostly outstanding and you can be sure that you get high quality information to the topic that you expect.
Meanwhile the Rheinwerk-Verlag also has a flatrate for eBooks and so called E-Bites. E-Bites are books with about 100 pages dealing with a special topic.
Nearly 10 years ago my colleagues and I wrote the german ABAP Kochbuch and published it under the hood of the Rheinwerk-Verlag. In my opinion the book is still worth buying because there are a lot of concepts that are still valid. Nowadays the coding looks a bit old-fashioned as the new ABAP syntax is widely used now, but the content is still okay.
ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model
As time moves on, the programming techniques evolve. One of the upcoming things in SAP is RAP – the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model. You have guessed it, there is a Rheinwerk-Verlag book that has exactly this title. In this case the english version is also available as eBook. The authors Lutz Baumbusch, Matthias Jäger, Michael Lensch have written a comprehensive book about all aspects of RAP:
- REST architecture
- Core Data Services
- Behaviour definition and implementation
- and many others
I just started with my journey into the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model and I think that this book will provide some answers to my questions. If you are interested in RAP, you can also have a look at the documentation and start developing RAP Applications.
Enno Wulff
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