24. December: Merry Christmas

24. December: Merry Christmas

ABAP Development Tools (ADT) in Eclipse ADT in Eclipse is the SAP’s standard Eclipse-based IDE for all kinds of ABAP development tasks. If you as an ABAP developer have not gotten your hands on it – now it is the time to do so. Today we want to demonstrate the top 10 features of the ADT in Eclipse, which will help you to achieve your ABAP programming goals easier and let you have fun with…


23. December: ABAP Quine

23. December: ABAP Quine

What the heck is a quine, you might ask? Wikipedia says: A quine is a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output. The standard terms for these programs in the computability theory and computer science literature are “self-replicating programs”, “self-reproducing programs”, and “self-copying programs”. If you have watched the Art Of Code talk by Dylan Beattie, you might remember the section about Quines. If not, I highly recommend to watch it. It’s very…


SAP-Entwickler (m/w/d)

Gemeinsam einzigartig mit Ihnen als SAP-Entwickler (m/w/d)? Inwerken AG stellt ein.

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22. Decembe: Design Pattern

22. Decembe: Design Pattern

Design patterns are one of the most important things in programming. At a certain point in your own programming career you will have to deal with design patterns. And still some programmers have no idea, what design patterns are and what they are for. If you are a programmer and you don’t know anything about design patterns, then it’s time to learn. Sources If you want to know, what Design Patterns are, I recommend to…


21. December: EXACT – Lossless Conversion

21. December: EXACT – Lossless Conversion

Probably everyone has encountered this at some point. The value in the target field has been truncated by an assignment or an undesired rounding has occurred. The lossless operator EXACT can be used to check lossless assignments or lossless calculations. If lossless transfer is not possible, an exception is raised.   Example 1 – Lossless assignment   Here is a very simple example. The program checks if there is a data loss when assigning a…


20. December: Data Control Language

20. December: Data Control Language

ABAP CDS View Entities are the backbone of the new ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (ABAP RAP). But ABAP CDS is not only used to define the data model – it also has a built-in Access Control to restrict the returned data. These CDS Roles are defined with the Data Control Language (DCL) and can be thought of as an additional where clause.   CDS View Entity Material Plant @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK @EndUserText.label: ‘Material Plant’ define…


19. December: Refactoring

19. December: Refactoring

In Austria there is a famous song by Wolfgang Ambros which goes like this “Skiiiiiiifoan, Skiiiiiifoan, Skifoan ist das leiwandste, was ma si nur vorstö’n kann”  (“skiing is the greatest thing you can think of”). That’s true, skiing is a really great hobby and sport, but well, the environmental impact is quite bad. But there’s something which is nearly as bad: the source code of this ancient piece of software that you have to take…


17. December: The Rockstar Programmer

17. December: The Rockstar Programmer

Did you ever wonder, why companies want to have rockstar developer? Dylan Beattie was inspired by this tweet and thought, that everyone should be able to be a rockstar programmer. So he invented the programming language Rockstar. You can see the story about it here or here. Dylan Beattie is not only a great programmer but also a good musician, so he composed the FizzBuzz-Song. This is how the FizzBuzz-program might sound like: Dylan Beattie Talks…


16. December: Regex

16. December: Regex

What’s a Regular Expression (RegEx)? A regular expression, known as RegEx, defines a search pattern for character strings using syntactical rules. A familiar example for the usage of a regular expression describes the search in texts for numbers, characters, special characters or complete terms. The regular expression serves as pattern to find a definite character string within the text. Furthermore, regular expressions are used for validations e.g. to validate email addresses or credit card numbers….


14. December: ABAP stutters

14. December: ABAP stutters

Some time ago Jupp startet a little ABAP “poem” at ABAPforum.com: types: type(20) type c. types: of type table of type. constants: value value ‘-‘. parameters: split type type. data table type of. data into value value. data at type type. split split at into into table table. split at at into into table table. Stutter Contest That startet a contest of how good and how many repeating words can be put into a program….

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